Tuesday, October 27, 2020


 This week was something else that's for sure!! There was a lot of stuff that was just super cool!! One of them was walking around in earthquakes.... They are redoing a street in our area and the  machines they use to do it literally make the earth shake. Its nuts. But it's been way cool haha!! 

Apart from that, my companion and i have been working really hard on helping the people were teaching have experiences with the book of mormon. So this week in our study we found a verse that explains perfectly the situation of this family were teaching. Its in Alma 32:6  Y cuando Alma oyó esto, volvió su rostro directamente hacia él, y los observó con gran gozo; porque vio que sus aaflicciones realmente los habían bhumillado, y que se hallaban cpreparados para oír la palabra. 
When we found that scripture we knew that it was perfect to share with this family. So we did just that and explained that sometimes God makes us go through hard stuff so that we can really humble ourselves and actually be ready to receive the word of God. That's something that ive really seen in this time, both in the mission and in life in general. God gives us a lot of challenges so that we can be humble and ready to do his will. 

This week one of our buddies is gonna get baptized and were stoked for him!! He's one of the most excited to get baptized people ive taught in my whole mission. Every day he talks about how stoked he is and how grateful he is that God has given him the chance to do it. 

That's pretty much this week. I wish there was pics to send but i don't have an adapter to send them haha. Next week. Sure love you though!! Happy Valentines day!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission 

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