Tuesday, November 17, 2020

May 5, 2020


My heart is complete!!! We got to pick
Phoenix Allred
up from the airport yesterday. We spent the day playing basketball, video games, BBQing and connecting, my heart is exploding with HAPPY!!!

May 20, 2020

It’s come full circle @jessen_harby I really do wish I could just go back to the good old days. Guys, this was the most amazing time of my entire life. This is where I really came to understand the love that God and his Son have for all of us. It’s where I came to understand who I am, and who I’m meant to be. It’s where I went to “teach others” but really, I was the one being taught. I wish I could really show you how I feel about these life changing moments of my life, you know it’s hard to do that over social media. But this was a wonderful experience. I know I didn’t waist my time sharing something false. ITS TRUE! And I came to know that, like really know that. Anyways thank you to all who made it special. I hate to be that guy that posts mission pics and always talks about it, but it’s so hard not to talk about something so life changing. Anywayyyssss 🇵🇪

@ Chiclayo, Peru 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

QUARANTINE Mar 16, 2020, 12:29 PM

 Love you all!! Have a great week, know that I'm fine here. Were gonna go into 2 weeks of quarantine but its just to be safe. I'm fine and so are the people were teaching. Please pray for those people and for the people that aren't fine haha. But don't stress about me. Please be safe and do all you can to help others without getting sick. I sure love you!! See ya in 2 weeks... Maybe jajajajaja!!!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission 

No Time Mon, Mar 9, 3:33 PM


SORRY YALL, there's no time. But here's

Elder Allred 

Peru Chiclayo Mission 

THE ONE THING Mon, Mar 2, 3:40 PM


So here in the area MiraFlores, there are a TON of hills. So when we walk... We walk like crazy haha (not sure how to explain walking up hills haha) But the thing is that it was a good time. I'll tell you about it haha. 

So were teaching a lot of really amazing people and we've been able to see a lot of miracles. Parents that were not giving permission to their children to listen to the gospel have changed their minds. People that have had to make HUGE changes in their lives, have made them. People who have just  been waiting for my companion and I to teach them the gospel, have been found and are ready to change their lives. It's been amazing being here. 

My testimony of the gospel has grown. I had a huge experience with the power of prayer. I know that God really hears and answers our prayers when we ask with faith.

This week I was studying Job of the old testament. It really blew me away. His story was very powerful. He was a man who had it all. But there came a time where Satan takes it all away from him. When that happened all of the people around him told him to curse God and all that stuff but what blew my mind was how firm he was in his trust in God's plan. One part that I really loved about the story was when all is taken from him, 3 good buddies come and minister to him. I'm not gonna say im anything like Job but I remember very clearly that when i was going through hard times before coming out here, i always had someone who came to help me out. Here on the mission, when things get tough i look to the Savior and ive found that when I really look for his guidance, he really does help me out. 

This week was a great week. I sure love you guys!! Have a great week!!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission 

I LIVE IN THE JUNGLE Mon, Feb 24, 3:45 PM


So last week I was traveling for 7 hours, sorry for not writing you!! Changes rolled around and I got changed to an area called Miraflores with an Elder Obeso. He's from lima Peru and he just got here to the mission. Things are going really well here in Peru!! So that you can get to know a little bit about where I'm at, it's literally the jungle and there are a lot of hills, the people here are awesome. It's been kind of a miracle to be able to find these people that we've found, they are amazing. It's been a really huge blessing helping people to gain a testimony of the gospel more than just understanding it. Its strengthened my testimony. 

God is so powerful, prayer is so powerful. I don't have time, or words to explain how full of joy I am right now. But have a great week. Love you guys!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission 


 This week was something else that's for sure!! There was a lot of stuff that was just super cool!! One of them was walking around in earthquakes.... They are redoing a street in our area and the  machines they use to do it literally make the earth shake. Its nuts. But it's been way cool haha!! 

Apart from that, my companion and i have been working really hard on helping the people were teaching have experiences with the book of mormon. So this week in our study we found a verse that explains perfectly the situation of this family were teaching. Its in Alma 32:6  Y cuando Alma oyó esto, volvió su rostro directamente hacia él, y los observó con gran gozo; porque vio que sus aaflicciones realmente los habían bhumillado, y que se hallaban cpreparados para oír la palabra. 
When we found that scripture we knew that it was perfect to share with this family. So we did just that and explained that sometimes God makes us go through hard stuff so that we can really humble ourselves and actually be ready to receive the word of God. That's something that ive really seen in this time, both in the mission and in life in general. God gives us a lot of challenges so that we can be humble and ready to do his will. 

This week one of our buddies is gonna get baptized and were stoked for him!! He's one of the most excited to get baptized people ive taught in my whole mission. Every day he talks about how stoked he is and how grateful he is that God has given him the chance to do it. 

That's pretty much this week. I wish there was pics to send but i don't have an adapter to send them haha. Next week. Sure love you though!! Happy Valentines day!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission