Tuesday, November 17, 2020

May 5, 2020


My heart is complete!!! We got to pick
Phoenix Allred
up from the airport yesterday. We spent the day playing basketball, video games, BBQing and connecting, my heart is exploding with HAPPY!!!

May 20, 2020

It’s come full circle @jessen_harby I really do wish I could just go back to the good old days. Guys, this was the most amazing time of my entire life. This is where I really came to understand the love that God and his Son have for all of us. It’s where I came to understand who I am, and who I’m meant to be. It’s where I went to “teach others” but really, I was the one being taught. I wish I could really show you how I feel about these life changing moments of my life, you know it’s hard to do that over social media. But this was a wonderful experience. I know I didn’t waist my time sharing something false. ITS TRUE! And I came to know that, like really know that. Anyways thank you to all who made it special. I hate to be that guy that posts mission pics and always talks about it, but it’s so hard not to talk about something so life changing. Anywayyyssss 🇵🇪

@ Chiclayo, Peru 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

QUARANTINE Mar 16, 2020, 12:29 PM

 Love you all!! Have a great week, know that I'm fine here. Were gonna go into 2 weeks of quarantine but its just to be safe. I'm fine and so are the people were teaching. Please pray for those people and for the people that aren't fine haha. But don't stress about me. Please be safe and do all you can to help others without getting sick. I sure love you!! See ya in 2 weeks... Maybe jajajajaja!!!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission 

No Time Mon, Mar 9, 3:33 PM


SORRY YALL, there's no time. But here's

Elder Allred 

Peru Chiclayo Mission 

THE ONE THING Mon, Mar 2, 3:40 PM


So here in the area MiraFlores, there are a TON of hills. So when we walk... We walk like crazy haha (not sure how to explain walking up hills haha) But the thing is that it was a good time. I'll tell you about it haha. 

So were teaching a lot of really amazing people and we've been able to see a lot of miracles. Parents that were not giving permission to their children to listen to the gospel have changed their minds. People that have had to make HUGE changes in their lives, have made them. People who have just  been waiting for my companion and I to teach them the gospel, have been found and are ready to change their lives. It's been amazing being here. 

My testimony of the gospel has grown. I had a huge experience with the power of prayer. I know that God really hears and answers our prayers when we ask with faith.

This week I was studying Job of the old testament. It really blew me away. His story was very powerful. He was a man who had it all. But there came a time where Satan takes it all away from him. When that happened all of the people around him told him to curse God and all that stuff but what blew my mind was how firm he was in his trust in God's plan. One part that I really loved about the story was when all is taken from him, 3 good buddies come and minister to him. I'm not gonna say im anything like Job but I remember very clearly that when i was going through hard times before coming out here, i always had someone who came to help me out. Here on the mission, when things get tough i look to the Savior and ive found that when I really look for his guidance, he really does help me out. 

This week was a great week. I sure love you guys!! Have a great week!!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission 

I LIVE IN THE JUNGLE Mon, Feb 24, 3:45 PM


So last week I was traveling for 7 hours, sorry for not writing you!! Changes rolled around and I got changed to an area called Miraflores with an Elder Obeso. He's from lima Peru and he just got here to the mission. Things are going really well here in Peru!! So that you can get to know a little bit about where I'm at, it's literally the jungle and there are a lot of hills, the people here are awesome. It's been kind of a miracle to be able to find these people that we've found, they are amazing. It's been a really huge blessing helping people to gain a testimony of the gospel more than just understanding it. Its strengthened my testimony. 

God is so powerful, prayer is so powerful. I don't have time, or words to explain how full of joy I am right now. But have a great week. Love you guys!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission 


 This week was something else that's for sure!! There was a lot of stuff that was just super cool!! One of them was walking around in earthquakes.... They are redoing a street in our area and the  machines they use to do it literally make the earth shake. Its nuts. But it's been way cool haha!! 

Apart from that, my companion and i have been working really hard on helping the people were teaching have experiences with the book of mormon. So this week in our study we found a verse that explains perfectly the situation of this family were teaching. Its in Alma 32:6  Y cuando Alma oyó esto, volvió su rostro directamente hacia él, y los observó con gran gozo; porque vio que sus aaflicciones realmente los habían bhumillado, y que se hallaban cpreparados para oír la palabra. 
When we found that scripture we knew that it was perfect to share with this family. So we did just that and explained that sometimes God makes us go through hard stuff so that we can really humble ourselves and actually be ready to receive the word of God. That's something that ive really seen in this time, both in the mission and in life in general. God gives us a lot of challenges so that we can be humble and ready to do his will. 

This week one of our buddies is gonna get baptized and were stoked for him!! He's one of the most excited to get baptized people ive taught in my whole mission. Every day he talks about how stoked he is and how grateful he is that God has given him the chance to do it. 

That's pretty much this week. I wish there was pics to send but i don't have an adapter to send them haha. Next week. Sure love you though!! Happy Valentines day!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission 

SI PERO NO HAY VARÓN Mon, Feb 3, 2:43 PM

 This week was for sure a ride, lots of ups, and lots of downs. But ill tell you what, this is the best time ever. 

So here's a summary, well to be honest I don't even know where to start. We had a baptism planned this week for the stud that's

in one of those pics. He's awesome, but he didn't feel ready so we didn't do it. We went with a bunch of young men in the ward to visit him and he got stoked. But at the end of the day he said he wanted to wait. So instead we took him to the baptism of a few other people that got baptized on Saturday. It was funny, when we showed up he goes "so if i wanna get baptized right now can i do it?" he was just kidding but you could tell that he saw how incredible the experience was. 

We also had an interchange with the elders from San Felipe. I was with Elder Turley again after 9 months. That was a good time, he's still a baller. I also found Brother Edson, my first ward mission leader that i had in the whole mission. He lives in San Felipe now so he came out to visit people with us!! It was a good time!! 

We did baptismal interviews for a family of three and that was a great experience. I love doing these interviews because it's a great chance to be able to see one on one how the gospel has already changed their lives. 

At the end of the week, right after lunch we got to our appt and my stomach started killing me. Like bad. I didn't know what it was but it was BAD, so I asked my comp to give me a blessing, then i went and laid down for a sec. When it was time to head out i was feeling a bit better so we went to the visits we had. Everything was fine. Then at 1am I woke up with the same pain but it was worse, I was having a hard time breathing and it was really killing me haha. I asked for another blessing and since I couldn't sleep with the pain i grabbed my Book of Mormon and my flashlight and started reading in my bed (to all the return missionaries I know it sounds like apostasy, but the pain was BAD and there wasn't anything else to do) anyways so I started reading and really studying the words of Alma. I felt the power of the blessing that my comp gave me, the power of the faith I had in that moment, and the power of the Book of Mormon. It was a great experience and I'm all good now. 

Things are going really well and I'm living the dream, sure love you!!!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission 

JORDIIIIIIII Mon, Jan 20, 3:02 PM


En serio fue lo maximo!!

We were having a couple of problems finding new people to teach so this week we really got to work with the members and with the people here in our area. It was legit a miracle. We had people come up to us and actually ask us to be baptized. (something that doesn't happen very often here in Peru) It was sweet! This week we actually got references as well and that was super helpful!! My comp and I have been in this area for almost 3 months together and it's going really well!! It's a good time when all day long you crack jokes and preach the gospel, it's a good life. 

You might not believe it but I'm actually putting on weight! The lady that makes our food is awesome and she literally gives us so much food hahaha. But it's a good thing. I'm not the same skinny guy I was before hahaha!!

Today i was studying in Mosiah in the Book of Mormon, I was studying about the atonement of Christ and also a little bit about his life. I found a super good scripture... 

Y así la carne, habiéndose sujetado al Espíritu, o el Hijo al Padre, siendo un Dios, asufre tentaciones, pero no cede a ellas, sino que permite que su pueblo se burle de él, y lo bazote, y lo eche fuera, y lo crepudie. 

Pretty much Jesus being a God like submitted himself and suffered temptations. Well we all know that but this week I was thinking about how they all made fun of him and spit on him and all that stuff, and I was thinking about how people kind of have the same mind set and sometimes we get frustrated and lose our patience but I really loved that verse cuz its talks about how even though all that was going on he still was so humble. This week has been a really cool experience. 

Also we had a really cool experience with the power of prayer. We found answers to our prayers this week, more than anything we were able to find people who were just waiting for us to talk to them. Thanks to those who supported us in your prayers, they were truly heard. Not much more to say, but your prayers were heard and answered. 

This pic is from an interchange that I had with elder Robinson, he's a tank haha!!

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission 


 Today I was studying a little bit of the new testament. I was studying John chapter 15. I'm gonna put a few of the parts I liked most here in this email. Then ill talk a little bit about this week. 

aAbide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

I am the avine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without bme ye can do nothing.

If ye aabide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall bask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

Herein is my Father aglorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.

As the Father hath aloved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.

13 Greater alove hath no man than this, that a man lay down his blife for his cfriends.

14 Ye are my afriends, if ye do whatsoever I bcommand you.

So this morning I got studying that chapter and the word "abide" really stuck with me. That word in Spanish is "permanecer" and when you say it in Spanish it has a very special, personal meaning. I couldn't really explain it but it sounds like a really personal relationship when Christ says "permaneced en mi". I really love that, then with that in mind he talks about how the disciples were his friends and so are we. He says that there's not a greater love than the type of love that someone has who lays down his life for his friends. 

Anyways like I said this week was awesome. We had a really cool experience on Friday. 

After a conference that we had with a bunch of other missionaries. We went to an area called "las Americas" to do a couple of baptismal interviews. The missionaries had told us a little bit about the people we were gonna interview. Pretty much that they were pretty convinced that they weren't gonna get baptized. But the Elders decided it would be good to have them have the interview so that they could at least have that experience. Well when we got to the church, i went in with one of them to do the interview, and my companion went with the other one. When the interview started she explained to me all of her doubts and "why  this and why that" She also explained a lot of the things she was going through and why she didn't want to get baptized. I went about doing the interview and asking her questions to see how much she understood about what the Elders taught her. It was way interesting, at the end I figured there wasn't much more I could do than to share my testimony with her and promise her about getting an answer if she took the time to look for it. 

Well Saturday morning we get a call from the Elders and they said (in Spanish) "elders they are gonna get baptized. They received and answer and she wants you to be the one who baptizes her. It was way out of the blue but we went and it was a great experience. I was able to realize that the promises we make as disciples of Christ, they come true when we have faith. After the baptism they decided to share their testimonies and it was moving what they said. It was a really great experience.

This week we also got yelled at by a couple of people, it was funny to be honest. I've got a buddy who's on a mission, he's in Honduras. This week he told me " I love the people here in Honduras and love defending the gospel. I am pretty bold haha." that's how we felt this week haha.... Pretty bold... But it was a good time!!

Anyways guys I sure love you!! Have a great week!!

Elder Allred 
Peru Chiclayo Mission